Bainbridge Tourism

Bainbridge, Pennsylvania is a census-designated place located in Conoy Township in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with a zip code of 17502. Bainbridge is located along Pennsylvania Route 441. As of the 2010 census the popululation was 1,355 residents. Prior to European settlement, Bainbridge was the site of a Conoy village in the first decades of the 18th century, possibly called Conejoholo.


If you are looking for travel information of Bainbridge in United States, you've come to the right place. This city is located in the close proximity of a major city Washington D. C., United States. So, ideally any vacation planner would recommend you to visit Washington D. C. for its bountiful attractions like Washington Monument, United States Capitol, Lincoln Memorial on your trip to Bainbridge. A holiday in Bainbridge can generally be of 1-2 days.

Don't just take a trip, let the trip take you! Have a enjoyable time at Bainbridge.

Bainbridge Trip Planner

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