Catedral Sao Jose

4.73 Votes Currently Open
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Overview of Catedral São José

You are looking at travel information of Catedral São José in Erechim. Catedral São José is not a top-rated place in Erechim.

More about Erechim

Use Erechim trip planner to visit Catedral São José and many others to your visit.

Your worry of where to stay in Erechim is sufficed by bunch of interesting and comfortable lodging options in the Erechim like Hotel Buongiorno, Harbor Inn Erechim and Hotel Monet.

Generate executable plans on your own or book the top rated Erechim vacation packages for your visit. Read more on how to reach Erechim.

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  • 95% of people who visit Erechim include Catedral Sao Jose in their plan

  • 66.67% of people start their Catedral Sao Jose visit around 09 AM - 10 AM

  • People usually take around 1 Hr to see Catedral Sao Jose

Monday, Thursday and Friday

95% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Catedral Sao Jose

People normally club together YÁzigi and Sesc Erechim while planning their visit to Catedral Sao Jose.

* The facts given above are based on traveler data on TripHobo and might vary from the actual figures

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