Kidron Tourism

Kidron is a census-designated place in southwestern Sugar Creek Township, Wayne County, Ohio, United States.


Is Kidron in United States on your travel bucket list? This online travel guide is all you need to have before planning your trip. Kidron is located at a short trip away from Pittsburgh a major city in United States. So, ideally any vacation planner would recommend you to visit Pittsburgh for its bountiful attractions like Pnc Park, Duquesne Incline, Phipps Conservatory on your trip to Kidron. Also, to reach Kidron, you'll have to take a flight to Pittsburgh; so its not really a detour. And even if it is, the city is worth paying at least a quick visit. 1-2 days is an ideal duration of visit to Kidron.

Don't just take a trip, let the trip take you! Have a enjoyable time at Kidron.

Kidron Trip Planner

Plan your customized day by day trip plan for Kidron. Choose from various experinces categories as adventure, romantic and family and kids friendly for your trip using using Kidron trip planner.