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Overview of Logroño

You are looking at travel information of Logroño in Logrono. Logroño is not the prime point of interest of Logrono. Although, you can pay a quick visit to it if you are around.

An ideal Logrono trip includes top things to do in logrono like Calle Del Laurel, Bodegas Franco Espanolas, Concatedral De Santa Maria De La Redonda, Iglesia De San Bartolome and Museo De La Rioja.

More about Logrono

Create a customized plan for your visit using the Logrono trip planner. You can use ready templates or start from scratch for the same.

Fine Accommodation options like Hotel Murrieta, Hotel Sercotel Portales and Hotel Calle Mayor will meet your requirement of where to stay in logrono.

Generate executable plans on your own or book the top rated Logrono vacation packages for your visit. Read more on how to reach logrono.

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  • 0.97% of people who visit Logrono include Logrono in their plan

  • 50% of people start their Logrono visit around 11 AM

  • People usually take around 30 Minutes to see Logrono

Thursday and Friday

95% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Logrono

People normally club together Briones and Biribay while planning their visit to Logrono.

* The facts given above are based on traveler data on TripHobo and might vary from the actual figures

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