Nabawan Tourism

Nabawan is a town located in Interior Division of Sabah, east Malaysia on the island of Borneo. Its population was estimated to be around 31,807 in 2010, and is almost entirely ethnic Murut and a minority ethnic such as Lun Bawang/Lun Dayeh. Nabawan covers an area of 6089km². Situated in the southern part of Sabah, it is bordered by Tawau and Kinabatangan district to the east, Keningau and Tenom district to the west and Kalimantan, Indonesia to the south.


Planning a vacation to Nabawan in Malaysia? This vacation planner will provide you with all the essential information you need. The nearest major city to Nabawan is Kota Kinabalu. Attractions in Kota Kinabalu include Mount Kinabalu, Sapi Island, Manukan Island. To explore Nabawan, set aside 1 to 2 number of your days. You'll be coming back for more!

Yes,it is that simple really! Enjoy your trip! Keep travelling!

Nabawan Trip Planner

Plan your customized day by day trip plan for Nabawan. Choose from various experinces categories as adventure, romantic and family and kids friendly for your trip using using Nabawan trip planner.