Noda Tourism

Noda (野田市 Noda-shi) is a city located in far northwestern Chiba Prefecture, Japan. As of April 2012, the city has an estimated population of 155,644 and a population density of 1500 persons per km². The total area is 103.54 km².


Planning a vacation to Noda in Japan? This vacation planner will provide you with all the essential information you need. When planning a trip to Noda, make sure you visit its near-by prime city of Tokyo. Add Tokyo to your vacation plan, it has an interesting bunch of activities to do on your visit like Meiji Jingu Shrine, Ueno Park, Roppongi. A holiday in Noda can generally be of 1-2 days.

Don't just take a trip, let the trip take you! Have a enjoyable time at Noda.

Noda Trip Planner

Plan your customized day by day trip plan for Noda. Choose from various experinces categories as adventure, romantic and family and kids friendly for your trip using using Noda trip planner.