Nohfelden Tourism

Nohfelden is a municipality in the district of Sankt Wendel, in Saarland, Germany. It is situated approximately 15 km north of Sankt Wendel, and 20 km southwest of Idar-Oberstein.


Is Nohfelden in Germany on your travel bucket list? This online travel guide is all you need to have before planning your trip. This city is located in the close proximity of a major city Mainz, Germany. Take a short trip from Nohfelden and set some time aside to explore the Mainz. Dotted with places like The Main Tower, The Goethe House, Sachsenhausen; it will definitely be a good idea. Also, to reach Nohfelden, you'll have to take a flight to Mainz; so its not really a detour. And even if it is, the city is worth paying at least a quick visit. A holiday in Nohfelden can generally be of 1-2 days.

Don't just take a trip, let the trip take you! Have a enjoyable time at Nohfelden.

Nohfelden Trip Planner

Plan your customized day by day trip plan for Nohfelden. Choose from various experinces categories as adventure, romantic and family and kids friendly for your trip using using Nohfelden trip planner.