Teiuș Tourism

Teiuș (Romanian pronunciation: [teˈjuʃ], German: Dreikirchen, Dornstadt; Hungarian: Tövis) is a town in Alba County, Romania, near the junction between the Stremț/Geoagiului Creek and the Mureș River, with a population of 7,284 inhabitants. The town, declared as such in 1994, is a junction point on the Cluj-Napoca - Sighișoara railway. It has several old churches, the most notable being the 17th century Uniate church and the Roman Catholic church, built for John Hunyadi in 1449 and rebuilt (1701–1704) in a simple Gothic style. The town administers four villages: Beldiu (Marosbéld), Căpud (Magyarkapud), Coșlariu Nou (Újkoslárd) and Pețelca (Pacalka).


If you are looking for travel information of Teiuș in Romania, you've come to the right place. A holiday in Teiuș can generally be of 1-2 days.

Yes,it is that simple really! Enjoy your trip! Keep travelling!

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