1 Day Trip to Castelguglielmo

18 Apr'17 to 18 Apr'17 | Last Visited 11 Apr '24 | Total Views 1
  • Tuesday 18, Apr Castelguglielmo
    • 10:05 am Stay for 45 min
      Cimitero Della Certosa

      The Cimiteri della Certosa in Ferrara is a magnificent Renaissance structure that is located insi...

    • 0.8 km | 10 mins
      11:00 am Stay for 2 hrs
      Castello Estence

      Castello Estense is a charming medieval castle that is located in the heart of the city of Ferrar...

    • 0.5 km | 6 mins
      01:06 pm Stay for 2 hrs
      Palazzo Dei Diamanti

      The Palazzo dei Diamanti is a palace turned exhibition space that is famous for its Renaissance s...

    • 1.5 km | 4 mins
      03:10 pm Stay for 3 hrs
      Le Mura Di Ferrara

      Translated as the ‘Walls of Ferrara’, the Le Mura di Ferrara comprises of 9 kilometer...