2 Day Trip to Sangre Grande from Sangre Grande

20 Nov'17 to 21 Nov'17 | Last Visited 12 Apr '24 | Total Views 6
  • Monday 20, Nov Sangre Grande
    • 10:00 am Stay for 3 hrs
      Maracas Bay

      Dig your feet into the white sand, as the smell of deep fried fish dishes waft around you, mingli...

    • 20.0 km | 36 mins
      01:36 pm Stay for 1 hr
      Royal Botanical Gardens

      Breathe in and breathe out. Let fresh air enter your lungs, release carbon dioxide in every exhal...

    • 7.7 km | 19 mins
      02:55 pm Stay for 2 hrs
      Fort George

      Sit upon a wooden bench and take in the stunning view of a misty, hazy Port of Spain, as dewy gra...

  • Tuesday 21, Nov Sangre Grande
    • 08:52 am Stay for 1 hr
      Queens Hall

      Ballerinas have pranced with their twinkling toes, actors have swooped and exclaimed, instrumenta...

    • 2.1 km | 4 mins
      09:56 am Stay for 2 hrs
      Queens Park Savannah

      Trinidad and Tobago is a little island country that is home to many influences, Spanish, Indian a...

    • 1.33 km | 4.27 mins
      12:00 pm Stay for 2 hrs
      Emperor Valley Zoo

      Venture through this mini animal civilization, where macaws eat fruit and green iguanas change co...

    • 5.5 km | 15 mins
      02:16 pm Stay for 2 hrs
      Movie Towne

      Fast food, fun movies and retail therapy await you within the red, blue and yellow walls of Movie...

    • 19.6 km | 31 mins
      04:46 pm Stay for 3 hrs
      Maracas Falls

      The birds will twitter as you clamber up the woods like little chipmunks would, and travel throug...